Licit Civil Process Service (Law Firms) in Brownsville
Full information about Licit Civil Process Service in Brownsville: address, opening hours, phone, fax, email, website. Licit Civil Process Service on the map, description and reviews.
Contact details of Licit Civil Process Service:
Licit Civil Process Service opening hours:
M - F: 8am - 6pm; Sat: 10am - 1pm
EditReviews about Licit Civil Process Service:
About Licit Civil Process Service:
Licit Civil Process Service is proud to provide the best process service in Brownsville, TX, and the surrounding areas. With over 10 years of industry experience, we have the skillset to locate and serve evasive defendants throughout Texas. Our team serves for law firms, solo attorneys, businesses, and private individuals, giving each case our 100% dedication. Client satisfaction is our number one priority. We offer a wide array of services that we will tailor to each client’s specific needs and deadlines.
EditLaw Firms nearest to Licit Civil Process Service:
Betancourt Laura L Brownsville, Law Firms; 1134 E Madison St, Brownsville, TX, 78520-5837; (956) 504-3493
Crixell Emilio Attorney Brownsville, Law Firms; 934 E Levee St#103, Brownsville, TX, 78520-5150; (956) 542-4240
Cyganiewicz Edmund K Attorney Brownsville, Law Firms; 1000 E Madison St, Brownsville, TX, 78520-5835; (956) 541-5995
Nix Angela P Attorney Brownsville, Law Firms; 955 E Madison St, Brownsville, TX, 78520-5949; (956) 548-0521